Raw Nature
My inspiration for these pieces
… the sheer raw beauty, detail and energy that out natural world have…
I find his planet incredible and am drawn to places of extremes and wilderness.
My Inspiration for Surf
… surf patterns on waves crashing to shore or rolling and swelling in the oceans…
This reminds me of my love of the oceans and my sailing and diving expeditions to remote locations.
My Inspiration for Lava
… mesmerising lava flow and the cracking crust as it flexes in an ever-changing pattern…
I’ve been lucky enough to see lava flowing from volcanoes in a few locations and it is awe inspiring!
My Inspiration FoR Twilight
… glorious cloud patterns in darkening skies, magical when backlit by the setting sun…
I often gaze mesmerised by the changing patterns and light.
My Inspiration For Moss
… soft, tactile clumps of moss that mottle rocks and tree trunks, sparking with morning dew…
Something so calm and peaceful in woodland or cloud forests.

I hand blow a richly coloured bubble of glass, encase it in clear glass and then add a trail made with two specific colours chosen for their chemical reactivity. On heating these trail colours together, the reaction forms a cellular net-like structure representing the texture and patterns found in each range. The piece is then further blown, puntied, opened and shaped.
See my shop for more pieces.
13cm tall x 11cm approximately.
This piece is available to buy through Sproson Gallery, St Andrews.
See my shop for more pieces.
I hand-create statement glass inspired by my encounters in remote and pristine wild nature using unexpected techniques. Perfect for display, presentation, awards and gifts. Made in Britain.
19cm tall x 19cm x 16cm approximately.